
Seen on FM-Style: Waves

Wave after wave Alicja (alusiak123), Letícia (leiona_-) and Monika (the_chuba) got to the Final in FM-Style. And drifting away Monika had to drop out of the competition, unable to complete the task. 

Undoubtedly Alicja and Letícia are both winners, but who's first and who's second?

If you've been following the cycle via the club you already know what we asked this talented girls to deliver: a whole Resort collection with invitation, theme, location of the show... and obviously the stylings (5 outfits like always in the final). It was a really elaborate task with lots of details to take in mind. Personally this has been my favourite final task out of the 13 cycles we have done and I have loved so much the result that makes me wish we could have the same final in every cycle.

Take a look for yourself. 

Letícia (leiona_-) invited us to see the new collection of her brand Interlude called EKOS in the Pier59 Studios. 

"The brand's name is INTERLUDE, which means a short period when a situation or activity is different from what comes before and after. I choose this name so that every new collection has a hole new theme, that has nothing to do with the previous one, so that there's no such thing as ''an specific style'' for the brand, cause it can literally be any.
This first ''season'', the theme was EKOS, representing the nature not on its aesthetic, but in its production phase, so the clothes are 100% organic material - and it still looks stylish as any other brand, but in a unique way."

And it looked like this.

Alicja (alusiak123) introduced us to her brand Sohju 送受 with a collection inspired in Polish cult comedies that took place in the Muranów movie theater, Warsaw, Poland.

"Sohju 送受, Japanese for 'sending and receiving'; describes the idea of fashion as a mean of communication (ex. self-expression, cultural exchange)."

And it looked like this.

Both of her collections have the personal unique style of their creator but each of them had a different strong point. Letícia was stronger on the outfits adding different and unseen floral patterns, working on the layers, even designing a sweater! And Alicja was stronger on the theme, creating a perfect cohesion between brand, collection, invitation, location and outfits that made everything so perfect as a whole. 

But there can only be one winner. And the judges marked their work with a punctuation for "Outfits" (a media of the 5 of them) and another for "Theme" (invitation, concept, brand, location). And the medias were made and the results were tight but clear.

The winner of cycle 13 on FM-Style is...


Overall Cycle 13 has had quite a lot of drop outs but a lot of talent. The tasks were really good from the beginning and we've discovered a lot of new faces and super stylish dolls. What are your opinions on the cycle? Favourite contestant, favourite task... Anything you think we'd like to know (you already know where the comment section is)! 

We will see what Cycle 14 brings us! ;)

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