
Seen on FM-Style: Basic Bitch

Hello again and welcome to the review of the 2nd Task of Cycle 14! 
Apparently Judith was feeling so bad for not helping me write these reviews that she decided to upgrade the banner I had created. Well, thank you Judith, for ALL your help... 😒 

Jokes apart, I really like Judith's creation. Before getting into the topic I apologize for those sensitive ears (or eyes in this case) for the tittle of task 2. And why I'm taking all this time to write the intro? I don't know... 

If you want to follow the cycle closely you will need to join the club FM-Style on stardoll. To show you a little of what's going on in case you don't know the fashion competitions we host there on the club, this time we have a special cycle (Cycle 14 omg, we're getting old). We got to 600 members, and to celebrate that we're hosting a team cycle, meaning contestants don't take part individually but in teams, forcing them to work together and deliver kind of coordinated entries.

Let me stop with the boring chit chat and let's go right into the business.

Task 2: Basic Bitch

How did task 1 go? Did you agree easily on everything? Cause here comes another decision to make together! This time you have to pick one item of the BASICS store in Starplaza (any collection, only condition: it has to still be available) per team, and each member will create a different outfit with it. Coordination or not coordination it's up to you, whatever you think looks best for when you deliver your team task. 

Make sure to state in the task topic which item from BASICS are you picking once you've decided. Two or more teams can use the same item (repetition it's allowed) but you expose yourselves to be compared at the time of judging, so better if everyone knows which item is everyone doing. 

Inspiration Album: N/A

This is what the Stylish Stardoll Sisters presented as examples for the contestants:

I don't know why I didn't think about that before, but together with each team entry I'm adding the score they got from the judges, so you can judge yourselves as well, and decide if it's fair or not and that kinda stuff (you can comment your thoughts on a section down below called: "comments"). I added the scores on the previous task as well (Seen on FM-Style: This Is Us). But well, this is what the 9 teams presented (click on the images for full-size)

1. The Trinity - 9.88

2. SHADES - 8.25

3. The Flaming Jalapeño Gang - 9.33

4. The Hex Girls - 8.08

5. Team KAL - 7.08

6. Sarcasm. - 6.50

7. A Team with No Name - 9.58

8. MAC Team - 7.08

9. Just Team 9 - 6.83

Time for favorites!

- The Trinity totally surprised us with those primary colours mixed with grey, delivering super coordinated and vintage elegant vibe outfits for what resembled an easy task. Amazing work! 

- Then we have The Flaming Jalapeño Gang with their flamenco vibes in red and black, and choosing a bold item to coordinated themselves with instead of a basic piece, like all the rest did. Kudos! 

- And finally, A Team with No Name, with black, white and blue and super original shapes, creating new pieces and resulting in super original and edgy outfits. 

See you on the next post about Task 3! 
and... join FM-Style! 😉

(Judith almost kills me last time for not using this FM-Style banner, I'm safe now)

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