Semifinal... Do you know what that means? More work. Two outfits instead of one. For Killing the Lights, the few remaining contestants had to create two outfits with a common item. The first one had to be editorial-like, very outstanding, very fashionable and extravagant. The second instead, using the same item (not accessory) had to be wearable on the street.
For this task we received really different entries. I wanted to post my favorite of the editorial and my favorite of the street style outfit. Casually they are both from the same contestant, Rawan (bornthiswaay) who got in the first position again.
The ones who got eliminated (as only two can go to the final) were Stefan (sweet_gal11) and Teresa (platinumgals), who wasn't able to submit her entry.
It's very sad to see them go, but now we have our two finalists!!
In two weeks we will have finally the winner of Cycle 11!
For this task we received really different entries. I wanted to post my favorite of the editorial and my favorite of the street style outfit. Casually they are both from the same contestant, Rawan (bornthiswaay) who got in the first position again.
It's very sad to see them go, but now we have our two finalists!!
Lucia (roco_90) VS. Rawan (bornthiswaay)