Store Statement: Royalty
Stardoll has released a new floor at Royalty. I'm quite happy with the new items although I'm not able to buy them but they are quite cool, following a very elegant line. Here's how the new collection looks like:
There are a few items that can't be very functional and others that are beautiful and can make any outfit good by themselves. My favourites are these ones:
There quite a lot of gorgeous outfits out there with these new pieces. I found my beautiful sister (Mirdith) wearing the Velvet Blazer, the former FM-Style contestant and judge Aby400 wearing the High Waist Pants (and looking amazing with one of the wigs I included in my Top 5) and FreestyleONA wearing the Golden Shoes, all from the new Royalty collection.
Spotted: amaia_estebanez
The other day I saw amaia_estebanez wearing these ponytails and it brought me so much memories. When Judith and I started playing stardoll we only had one doll, and we shared it. It was the doll I have now, and we shared all the decisions regarding her. So, this was the hair our doll wore for the first and during a very long time. Not so much dolls wear that hair, so when I saw Amaia wearing it I couldn't help but visit to see how she was wearing it. And as always, she didn't disappoint me. Amazing outfit and with so much creativity! Look at those shoes with socks. They look great, and what about the Chanel nº5 bag rotated to look like a plastic clutch? Perfection.
Sisters' Style: Dior Couture Tribute White Rose Embroidered Skirt
Mireia is back!! Well she's not totally back she's still totally busy (that's why she hasn't been posting lately in case you were wondering) but she gave me a little bit of her time so we would be able to do a Sisters' Style post. The item we styled: this beautiful skirt from Dior.
Mireia style the skirt in a very classic way using a white shirt and a very cool gold belt from Lanvin that I always have thought it's difficult to combine but she used it perfectly here. She ended the look with this blue bag that is exactly the perfect touch of colour to the look. I absolutely love her outfit!
Me, however I had more trouble with it. I think this must have been the first time Mireia ended her outfit more quickly than I. I think the problem for me it's the shape of the skirt, I've always had struggles with this kind of skirts, the same happened to me HERE. In the end I combined it with a black and white striped sweater. I thought it was funny to combine the stripes with dots in the belt it gave a nice girly style to the outfit. That's why I decided to use this fuchsia pumps instead of black stilettos. The leather jacket was a nice contrast to the girly look and the Chanel bag it simply looked beautiful with it. The outfit didn't convince me entirely at first but the more I look at it the more I like it. I still think Mireia's better though.
Shopping: IT Girls Olivia Beaded Shorts
Today I bring you a Shopping post with these shorts from IT Girls. I thought it would be useful to do a shopping post with them cause as they are for starcoins all of you can buy them and I can give you ideas in case you're not sure how to style them.
If I'm honest I bought the moment they came out without thinking it twice (again, they were starcoins) but I didn't wear them until I decided to make the shopping post. However I'm very happy with the outfits I did.
They can be a little bit tricky cause there's a lot going on there, studs, sparkly, blue, magenta, green... But this is the reason why they can make the difference between a simple outfit and a gorgeous one.
In the first outfit I made I just followed my instincts and combined them with black. I really liked the effect a leather jacket added to the outfit so I picked the one that suited best the pants, the one that had as well gold studs in it. For the bag I decided to pair the blues and greens shades of the shorts with this clutch.
I started the second outfit going for the opposite, instead of black, white. But when I saw the ripped denim jacket in my closet I decided to change the vision I had in my mind of the final outfit for one a lot more casual including the jacket. The backpack was perfect for both, the shorts and the casual style I was going for. For the shoes I was just looking for something black and not very smart. My first idea was using oxford shoes but I didn't have the right pair so I ended up using these sandals.
I knew I had to pair the shorts in a way the colours weren't seen so I went for that in the third outfit. I picked this old Wild Candy shirt that I haven't worn for AGES (really, AGES). As it had the belt also in black and gold I went for the same colours in the shoes and then finished the outfit with this beige Chanel jacket and a matching clutch.
Finally, in my 4th and last outfit I went for a much more businesslike outfit. I picked a black with gold buttons vest, black blazer, white collared shirt... Then I added those sunglasses to match the colours of the shorts and not to make the outfit too serious. Again I wanted to use oxford shoes for this outfit but didn't have the right ones so I picked these ones instead and ended the outfit with a beige clutch that made a nice contrast with all that black.
Splendorous: Top 5 Wigs
Stardoll brings us every week the Designer of the week, well The Stylish Stardoll Sisters brings you the Top 5 Wigs available in the designers bazaar now.
After an exhaustive research I've come down to these 5 wigs you're going to fell in love with. Let's start the countdown!
After an exhaustive research I've come down to these 5 wigs you're going to fell in love with. Let's start the countdown!
By valukita
By mariaruney
PRICE: 111SD (not official)
By illusions.
Hope you liked the hairstyles!
Street Style
Well, my sister Mireia saw the post about the hair accessories (click HERE to see it) and after realizing she liked very much this new hairstyle she's wearing she decided to let herself be totally influenced and bought this hairband. I must say it looks absolutely gorgeous with this total white outfit.
About me I went for a safari look wearing this khaki shorts I hardly ever use from Kohl's. I added a twist to the Valentino bag to make it more adequate for the outfit and included fringes to it putting another bag resized underneath. To finish it just a losen white shirt and strappy sandals.
Store Statement: Fallen Angel

And finally, I was going to look for stardoll members wearing the new pieces but I thought it was a long time since I last added my own outfits to a Store Statement so this time I brought the inspiration.
Spotted: mariCL73
I came across this amazing outfit by mariCL73 yesterday and my mouth fell open. I wasn't very fond of those LE shoes but she combined them amazingly well. I mean, I love everything about this outfit, it's layers, the pop of colour she add with the bag and scarf... And obviously the dress! She used two of them to make it longer and the result is gorgeous! I wouldn't change anything!
Surrounded by Trends: Sailor
- Spring Summer 2015 -
SEEN AT: Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Valentino, Elie Saab, Altuzarra, Stella McCartney, Preen...
WHERE TO BUY: The Jet Set, Nelly.com, Royalty, Velvet Orchid, Millionaire Mansion, Riviera, Bonjour Bizou, IT Girls...
SEEN AT: Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Valentino, Elie Saab, Altuzarra, Stella McCartney, Preen...
WHERE TO BUY: The Jet Set, Nelly.com, Royalty, Velvet Orchid, Millionaire Mansion, Riviera, Bonjour Bizou, IT Girls...
Seen on FM-Style: The Secret Is Revealed
- Please, read this post in order, without jumping to the end, for not breaking the magic -
You know the judges, you know the contestants, you have seen the tasks, you have seen the results of the polls... keep reading to find out WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW.
On Sunday 5th of July Task 1 came out, a simple task to begin with for us judges to get an idea what the contestants were capable of. They only had to create an outfit, as amazing as possible (obviously), in navy blue monochrome. Approximately one week after, when a little review of the task was posted here in The Stylish Stardoll Sisters the anonymous voters decided that the best task had been delivered by RawrGoregous, however the opinion of the judges was different.
So, yes, Marta-43 was the OFFICIAL best task 1 with a beautiful navy blue outfit. Was she the best too in task 2, when it was all about scarfs? Or were the voters right this time being missiwantitall the one who impressed the judges the most?
Well, it had to happen that at least once the opinion of voters and judges coincide, right? From here the tasks started to be every time more difficult and the contestants were asked next to style an outfit that fitted a specific hair from the beauty parlor which the judges said, at the time of creating their examples, that it was so ugly. According to the poll the contestant who succeeded completely in this task was again RawrGoregous. Were the voters right again?
Partially, because RawrGoregous got the best mark but tied up with Marta-43! Task 4 arrived and we had to say goodbye to Milagros1000 who withdrew herself from the competition and the rest of the contestants had to confront an unknown for them style typical from our birth place: The Mediterranean. The voters decided that CoralCool91 was the winner of this task, let's find out the opinion of the judges.
And the final task arrived. The contestants were given different combinations of colours and they had to create three different outfits: one in which they had to pull out that combination (which counted itself as another task) and two others focusing in the two colours of the combination individually. I'll allow to you to see with your own eyes the results of the poll (which haven't been posted yet) before announcing the official results.
So, as you see the voters think that the best final task was cami-camilla's. I'm sorry to announce that the judges did not agree.
* Mirdith's EDIT: I made a mistake. RawrGoregous marks for this task were OUTFIT 3: 9.2 and OUTFIT 1+2: 9. Sorry for the inconvenience.
All we had kept as a SECRET has been revealed. Now there's only one thing left to know. All the marks of each task have been added to make a final score out of 60 (10 points for each task plus the 10 points for the outfit with the combination of colours in the final task) which gives us the winner of Cycle 10: The Secret cycle.
And that winner is...
Cycle 10,
Seen on FM-Style
Store Statement: 9 to 5
You must love this store if you want to be a guitar player, singer, DJ, violinist, work in a flower shop or in a pastry. However, I think that some items are very versatile and that can be used as basic clothes. Obviously, those are my favorite items (and maybe the background too) that you can find below:
And here it is, the part where I show you nice stylings with them. Today you can find, from left to right: Miss.Bia.Girl. wearing the 9to5 Rockstar Pilots; Judith_25 wearing the 9to5 DJ Top and 9to5 DJ Platforms; and Mirdith wearing the 9to5 Pastry Chef Trousers. Yeah, that's us, the Stylish Stardoll Sisters! Seems like not a lot of people is a fan of those items so we decided to do it ourselves.
Spotted: ashshila
Her nickname is ashshila. She's one of the great judges of Cycle 10 on FM-Style and today while I was visiting dolls around stardoll I found this gorgeous outfit of her. I love every single detail in here, specially that bag combination (with little Karlito there). I still haven't seen those SAP shorts used before even when they were one of the first things to be sold out, and what a fantastic first time! I love it!
Seen on FM-Style: Match that!
Today the judging from the final task ever on Cycle 10 is being done by the amazing judges of this cycle, and while we debate and punctuate, here we are on the Stylish Stardoll Sisters, sharing with you the entries for the final task. In two days the winner will be announced on here and the post shared on the club.
That being said, and before I share with you the great work the contestants did with the difficult and challenging task, here they are the results from the poll of Task 4: Mediterraneamente.
That being said, and before I share with you the great work the contestants did with the difficult and challenging task, here they are the results from the poll of Task 4: Mediterraneamente.
CoralCool91 is by a little difference the favorite from Task 4! Congratulations!!
So, in case you don't follow the cycle on the club (you can access to it clicking on the image at the end of the post), for the final task the contestants had to deliver 3 outfits. We gave 7 possible combinations of two colors for the 7 contestants to choose. Not normal combinations but difficult ones, not common. With that combos, they needed to deliver 3 outfits: one in which the main color was one of the colors of the combination, one in which the main color was the other one, and the most difficult one and that counts as much as it was another task, an outfit putting together both colors. Here they are in case you want to see them, with the name of the contestant that picked it below: http://imgur.com/a/AlHEE#0
Here is what they did: (click on the images to enlarge)
And now, time to vote! Who do you think did it better this time? Remember that results from all tasks will be posted on Tuesday, so stay tuned! ;)
Cycle 10,
Seen on FM-Style
Sisters' Style: LE Khaki Strappy Stilettos
We couldn't let go the opportunity to do a Sisters' Style with a brand new LE item! Mireia did not buy a lot of items from the new collection but she did buy these beautiful heels. They are simple and minimalistic but very stylish at the same time, the kind of shoes that make the difference in the outfit, the last detail to make it look perfect.
So we actually had a lot of problems doing this Sisters' Style. Well, correction, Mireia had. As always I did my outfit first, I paired the shoes with an all black outfit with details in gold cause I don't care they are named as "khaki", for me these are gold. I went for a pretty casual style but with statement pieces like the heels or the Hermès bag. I have to say that I love this bag with little additions like the Fendi keychains or this scarf I added, plus it allows you to wear it very differently every time. Well, once I ended my outfit, Mireia went to do hers and she end up with an outfit super similar to mine, all in black as well. She had to change it like 3 times after that cause any change she did from here didn't end up to convince her. Finally she pulled out this outfit with long elegant skirt + long casual jacket, a nice contrast in the same tone of pink. She added a necklace in gold and a nice bag and done! It looks to me like the kind of outfit in which you haven't put much thought but looks amazing even so (although she did put a lot of thought in it judging by the time it took her hehehe).
I kind of like how the two outfits look together. It reminds me of the photos of Street Style blogs were two perfectly dressed women are walking together in their heels. Maybe it's because we're wearing LE. ;)
Spotted: TATTOON
Yesterday I came across that gorgeous outfit from TATTOON. I used to love very long pants that cover your shoes, then I hated them, and here I am liking them again! Also, I love how the LE vest looks in here and all the red accessories (even nails!). The male shirt, doesn't look masculine and I love that. I think I will use some pants I have similar to them with those shoes, cause they look together like it was meant to be. And, oh hey Karlito! You look great in here!
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