
Seen on FM-Style: In The Navy

The week has ended and with it the time for finishing Task 1 of Cycle 10 at FM-Style. As this is the Secret Cycle the contestants awaited all week without knowing how their competitors were doing and today the link with all of her tasks was finally posted. 

The task consisted in creating a monochromatic outfit using navy blue, we gave them some inspiration (http://imgur.com/a/Ycp2Q#0) and here’s what they delivered:

We have very different outfits, from business like to elegant ones, mixing patterns and textures. The judges already marked all these outfits but the results will not be given until the end of the cycle, when the winner is announced, and we will avoid as well comenting anything that might suggest what our favourite outfits are.

So yes, we can’t say ANYTHING about what we think of the work above, but YOU can. I thought it would be nice to give you the opportunity to comment and vote anonimously for the one you like the most in the poll bellow.

Vote for your favourite!

pollcode.com free polls

The cycle keeps going and task 2 has already been announced: outfit wearing a scarf. It may seem simple but we’re expecting a lot of originality from this. So you know what to do, check out the blog again this time next week for seeing amazing outfits with scarfs.

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